Thursday, July 07, 2005

Pub crawling

I dunno how much longer I can keep up with this tempo…At least I’m off work next week…
So I skipped the party on Tuesday to have energy for last night and I really needed that. Pub crawling was on the list and nightclubbing afterwards…whew…

Pub crawling was really fun as the 5 teams were doing their best to complete the wacky assignments. Some of the best examples: one of the teams managed to organize a limbo contest on the street in front of Havana…making a group of 60+ tourists take part in it. Then there was a guy who had to get waitress's number in Beer House and came back with a piece of paper – with a phonenumber and the name Enn written on it:) go figure…With the kinky cocktails in Lounge 8 probably the best one was when the Dutch guy offered the Sperm to a table full of young Estonian girls and one of them was a bit worried about getting pregnant from drinkin it..;) And I guess it takes the boldness of a Slovenian girl to walk by the biggest “rullnokk” in Nimeta and snap the pick-up line “Did you just touch my ass?”

After all those pubs it was time for some dancing action in Hollywood. The good thing about the group is that you don’t need any effort to get them dancing…it’s usually “in from the door and straight to the dance floor” it!

Yesterday also got me thinking… I wonder if a girl looks or acts in some special way if smb is interested in her. I don’t mean with this somebody but generally. For why do guys suddenly start appearing one after another at some point. From personal observations I can say that you can go months without any interest from the opposite sex and as soon as there’s one who’s taken to you, there’s another 2 or 3 of them. What a waste! They should be divided throughout periods of time, nice and evenly:)


Mrs said...

About your last paragraph.... HORMONES!
Read an article which said, that if woman goes home in the morning after having a "rough" night, all the men take into a queue after her ;)

Anonymous said...

the technical termin is actually feromones .. but .. it, by the way, is exactly the same for guys .. or maybe it's the shirt ;)