Saturday, November 03, 2007

Lovely London day 1

London's lovely, as always. They've been havin an unusually warm November and a perfect 14 degree sunny day is awaiting for us today. We didn't do much yesterday, just chilled in Covent Garden, met up with S and J for after work drinks and came home after that. I managed to give and interview to some guys from an advertising agency and A claims to have seen Noel Gallagher, even though, he always sees the celebrities when the others are not around. This time i was buying my coffee in Starbucks. So i'm not one hundred percent sure, it's all not happening in his head:)

Today's gonna be heavy shopping, hopefully we'll also be able to take a look at Camden market and in the evening time! S's birthday needs celebrating.


Maekas said...

Noh, siinmail on lumi maas.

Nele said...

aga day 2 ja 3 ja 4. meil oli ju niipalju asju teoksil. kas töö tapab? :)

Hernes said...

Töö tapab ja blogger oli maas. But is coming....