Friday, October 28, 2005


Sometimes it is not Monday that is blue but it’s the Friday which is not even just blue or green or any other colour, but really fucked up. You can go through a perfectly normal, even good, week and then… Your partners fail to keep the deadlines, which makes you miss yours’ which creates you even more work and you have to spend the whole day clearing up some mess and trying to make the best out of a whole pile of bullshit. All the little problems suddenly creep up from the holes where they’ve been hiding, and Friday (supposedly the easy day of the workweek) turns into a nightmare. Add to that some personal unpleasantries…like a flashback from history, a stupid sms which should not have been sent the night before and not enough sleep because of the Cosmo party…and you get a really cranky me…who bites, when poked...

…so, Mr Friday wisely stays away…

…on a more positive note…it’s S’s birthday, and I’m so sorry I cannot see her in person and hug her on this special day…


Anonymous said...

.. i have figured it out .. you guys either are the alphabet killers or the (wo)men in black .. 'cmon .. k, s, n, pm, am .. now i know everything .. except why mr. friday is keeping his distance ..

when you feel bad, that is when mr. friday should grab you by the shoulders, shake you up a little (gently, lovingly) and tell you in a very loud and persuasive manner "snap out of it, babe! life and the people in it should be thankful for having you in there, now let's show them what they're missing .. lets put on the best bells and whistles and paint the town red, green and blue. mr. saturday will have pleanty of time and experience to devour any and all subsequent consequences!" .. And you should obey, 'cos mr. friday knows what he is talking about!

Hernes said...'s all clear now? k, n, pm and am u should know already (oh, u is "you", btw (Oh, btw, is by the way)). s is probably new for you just cause you don't know her...and she does not know you.

i am still waiting for mr Friday....

Anonymous said...

.. and Betty, when you call me, you can call me Al ..