This thing is getting worse by days, the thing that I confuse dream life and real life. Last Friday the whole night passed as a movie or a music video or a dream, if you like. I don’t know your dreams, but mine are quite like movies or videos or sometimes very much like real life. The whole night I felt as if things and people happened to me and I didn’t have much say in it. We started off at A’s place (I know you’re trying to figure out which A, don’t even bother, there’s too many:), celebrating his birthday. The dress code was “black, with colourful accessories”, very chic. And at some point we were off to conquer the night clubs. BB was on the list, again. This time, however, I saw many people I hadn’t seen for a while, which was a surprise. The night was long and full of chatting, dancing, listening to drunken theories of life and how it sucks, dancing, flirting and chatting some more. Later that night me and some friends ended up at a semi-celebrity’s boyfriend’s house. Really, everything was just happening as in a David Lynch movie. Well, may-be not quite that spooky. Maybe, as in a Tarantino movie. At 8 o’clock am I was standing outside the house, in this little garden-city, with my red shoes, on a freshly fallen snow, waiting for a taxi to finally take me home so I could sleep.
In David Lynche’s “Lost Highway” there’s this scene, where they enter the party and a song is playing. I love that scene and I love the song. Listen to it here: Barry Adamson “Something Wicked this Way Comes”
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Musu, nuud sa paned kull segast!!
Miks ma segast panen:)? Või tead ma ei tea, äkki see on praegu ka uni? Võibolla ma unes kirjutasin selle sissekande? Ma ei saa aru. Näiteks eile öösel ma nägin unes, et ma rääkisin 1 Eesti firma juhiga, kes oli parasjagu oma firmat ära müümas. Aga äkki see oli päriselt?
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