Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Bloodfree, bloodless, noblood….that’s me, as I gave away half a kilo of my own very special and rare blood yesterday. It was my 16th time already. I think people should do it more often, donate blood I mean.

Firstly, you might literally save lives. It doesn’t matter that you don’t know who gets the blood or if it actually is the crucial factor for saving somebody. What matters is that without it, somebody just might die. It’s kind of weird that nowadays when there’s a fake substitute for almost everything (imagine, there are fake butts walking around in this world), you still have to draw blood from the healthy people and insert it into the injured ones who have lost too much of their own.

Secondly, it’s good for you. You give away the blood that’s been circling inside of you for a long time and your body can generate new blood cells. That must be good, right? In the olden times, phlebotomy (or venesection or blood-letting, if you wish) was a common practice for curing many illnesses.

Thirdly, there are the post-donation benefits. You get a treat (usually in form of sweets) from the nice nurses. For a moment or so they make you feel like you’ve just saved at least half of the world. Having given away a substantial amount of your blood, you get drunk really easily and drinking red wine is actually advisable. And if you are really lucky you can feel a bit of nice lazy dizziness. Me, I usually feel really good, even though yesterday I tried to imagine that I was feeling bad, for 2 situations. First, when I crossed the street with red light and second, when I took the bus without buying the ticket… so I tried to imagine if I could fake passing out when getting caught. I didn’t, though (neither get caught, nor pass out…well, allright, maybe next time:)


Anonymous said...

yep, i totally agree... just they didn't want any of mine last time...:( Hb too low... i should eat more and avoid stress... and i thought my life was boring and i should lose some weight... go figure!

Anonymous said...

well .. as far as i'm concerned .. if they want me to save somebodys life .. i'm gonna need names! .. 'cos i ain't gonna endure THAT just to save some generic person in the crowd... i hate blood in every shape, form and application .. it is warm and red and disgusting .. no treat is gonna make me step into the room filled with that smell .. oh my god ..

Anonymous said...

H: ja londonis saad sa 65 naela kui verd loovutad. aga mina olen ju see n6rguke, kellel kohe paha hakkab kui natukenegi verd kehast v2lja jookseb. vastik lihtsalt! nii tahaks head teha, aga ei saa! mh.

Mrs said...

Heh, ma peaks siis Londonisse ühe mitte shopping-tripi, vaid vereloovutustripi tegema :p