Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Sending off year 2007 proved to be an amazingly good party. I guess that's what happens when you don't expect absolutely anything.

With the mood being on the ultimate low for several reasons, donning a glitter dress seemed a bit of a stretch, however, when the mood's bad there's only room for improvement. Off we were to A and K-s place. We started off at 6 p.m already. Many people of the regular gang were away somewhere, but G was back in town and cooking for us again, A and K as our hosts were the best and all the rest of the guests were just being the excellent party crowd. There was lots of good food, loads of alcohol, a lot of dancing, getting the greetings from New Zealand and some point the New Year arrived...and for the hundred millionth time i had to realize that the people around me are the best in the world and ALWAYS a recipe for a good time.
Edit: Some great pics of the event HERE and more if you ask me.


Karupoeg Pohhui said...

Pidu oli äggeee, G pelmeenid parimad mida eales söönud ja õhtujuhid tasemel, rääkimata kogu seltskonnast. Ja pildilt tundub, et peale 12 olime ennast pea-aegu nähtamatuks joonud :)

Hernes said...

Jejejee, nii see algab, teadjamad oskavadki nähtamatustuda.