Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I have a new favourite. He’s called Mika, he’s a musician, he looks great and he’s got an amazing voice. The only thing is that he might be just a bit young for me and that he lives a bit far, in London right now.

Ok, wishful thinking:) But Mika really is my new musical favourite. I want to hear more of him and I want to see him perform. There’s a huge talent there and as much as I’d like to keep him only for myself, I believe in a year or so, he’ll be big all over Europe. Right now he’s hitting the radio stations with the song called “Relax”.

However, for a little taste of him, here’s another song “Grace Kelly”, performed live on “Later, with Jools Holland”.

Edit: The next single Grace Kelly will be out at the end of January and the album will be released beginning of February. I'll review it soon after i get it:)


Nele said...

mulle noored meeldivad. just täpselt sellised :):):):)ma arvan, et me pame teda lähemalt vaatama (loe: kuulama) minema...

Hernes said...

Absoluutselt! Kaalume seda veebruari:)

Anonymous said...

Oooo .... Mika, Mika, Mika ... pusu-musu-puse ... heheeeee.

Midagi muud nagu polnudki öelda!

Hernes said...

aga see vajas ütlemist, ma saan aru:):):)