Monday, August 29, 2005

Summer's gone

Just look at the weather outside and try to imagine that couple of days ago I was sitting on a beach, at night, enjoying a good company, waterpipe and beautiful Estonian nature...

I don’t wanna be a whiner, but I am seriously disturbed by the fact that summer is ending. I do like autumn and a bit of winter too but if I had to choose whether I want all the four seasons or nice weather all the time I would have to go with the latter option...

Things I really dislike, coming along with the summer ending, are:
... I have to cover up my toes and squeeze them into shoes and boots and they have to be enslaved for about 8-9 months...
... no more rollerblading...
... I have to put on some clothes even when I take out the garbage...
... it starts to get dark so early...
... waiting for a bus is a nightmare... coz it’s cold
... the sea freezes over... (and the lakes and rivers and so on)... alright, this happens a bit later...but still...
... I cannot wear my summer dresses...
…my skin will be dry…
................ and so on and on and on........... please, people, convince me I’m wrong and that there are good things coming my way with autumn and winter too!!!


Anonymous said...

in the autumn you can curl up infront of a fire somewhere and be very compy .. and you can do that in the winter too .. and you can ski .. and have a bloody marveould snow-ball war with people .. and in the autumn there will be the millenium birthday (and it is promissing to be really wild this year .. even wilder than last year).. ;)

Anonymous said...

and you can plan for next summer .. i, for example, plan to go on a vacation next summer :)

Hernes said...

hmm...i have to watch myself at that millenium party...remember last year??? coz i remember just about half of the party:):)

Anonymous said...

yeah .. the other half was was probably even wilder .. oh .. and what about the third half? .. oh, don't even get me started ;)

PM said...

ainult suvega jääksid sa ilma värvilistest sügistest metsadest, tumedatest vihmastest õhtutest kodus (no tead ju seda tunnet, kui kodus on hea soe ja akna taga möllab torm), aeglasest lumesajust tallinna vanalinnas kui tänavalambid põlevad. ma võiks lugeda üles miljon põhjust, miks ma eelistan aastaaegasid. isegi, kui need aastaajad tähendavad reaalsuses 90% pori ja 10% ilusaid hetki.

PM said...

ja täienduseks. kuigi suveriided on ilusad, siis kullake... šikk sügis- või talvemantel, veel šikimad saapad sinnajuurde ja ilu on rohkem kui terves suves. ja üldsegi, nende paksude riietega on sul alati võimalus üllatada kõige sellega mis jääb esialgu silmale nähtamatuks. suveriided seda võimalust ei paku :)

Hernes said...

oh teid optimiste, hea et te olemas olete:)

Anonymous said...

A different viewpoint - I think there hasn't been a summer at all (quite a radical statement, I know!). But while you've had some heat waves in Estonia, London's still mainly rainy and cold - not sure what's gone wrong this year. I haven't even tried on my bikini yet...quite sad! But there's a light in the tunnel...Italy in 1.5 weeks time!! That's gonna be my summer! Sorry to upset you, but couldn't keep it to myself...

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