Sunday, August 21, 2005

Small...small Estonia

I don’t even remember any more, how many times have I wondered about the smallness of Estonia and how everybody knows everybody here. For instance, when you meet a new guy...he’s probably “new” for the next ten minutes, or in the best case until you have access to internet and can google him. Most likely you will find out that you know somebody, who knows somebody who knows his last girlfriend.

There are 1 347 000 people living in Estonia, 193 981 of them in the agegroup 20-29, 38 559 of this age group live in Tallinn and 19 031 of them are male... i guess that is a tiny number, considering how many of them are already happily married and living a family life and not going out to clubs and pubs any more.

This saturday brought the smallness of Estonia to a whole new level. There I was in a another city, in a club in Pärnu, escaping the Tallinn nightclubs with all the familiar faces. A guy approached me and wanted to get to know me... he looked familiar, we talked, he told me his name... and then I remembered why he looked familiar... it’s because we HAD already met in a nightclub in Tallinn before. Well, I told him that and he was obvioulsy embarrased and also a bit bewildered about the whole situation as he was doing the same as me – escaping the familiar faces of home town. I guess it at least proves that I must be his type when he tries to chat me up twice:) But I did not give him my phone number, coz supposedly he should have it already from the first time we met...


Karupoeg Pohhui said...

Kle mul on ka lugu selle kohta, et Eesti on väike. Käti mäletad, muidugi mäletad. Kuna mul oli nendest Tallinna koertest kopp ees võtsin maalt, Põltsamaalt. Pool aastat hiljem avastasime, et tema isa ja minu vanaisa on sõbrad. Tee järgi või maksa kinni

Anonymous said...

meil üks väga pikaajaline klient, nagu nüüd alles välja tuli, on minu venna ühe parima sõbra naine ja minu muusikaõpetaja mehe tütar esimesest abielust :)

Hernes said...

mul on tegelt veel 1 hea lugu seoses 1 noormehe, minu nimega ja sellega, mida ma õppisin ja veel 1 tüdruku nimega ja sellega mida ta õppis, aga kuna ma siin ilma loata kellegi nimesid kasutada ei taha, siis jääb rääkimata:) ja ma tean, et lee'l on veel parem lugu nimede ja sünnipäevade ja muu sellisega:)

Karupoeg Pohhui said...

No mul on üks lugu ühe asjaga, mis käis teise asja külge ja koos oli sitaks äge asi ja väljas sai nendega nalja ... saada aru vää???
Jõhker ex! mohaaa

Hernes said...

ahsoo, no ütleme nii, et far as i know....võid sa rääkida kas seentest või stripparist:) ihii