Friday, August 05, 2005


Yesterday I stepped into a music shop to listen to a couple of records and you know... just take a look at what is all there that I am not buying...

...when I walked out of the shop I had a new Jamiroquai record in a little plastic bag and the biggest smile on my face... sometimes shopping can really bring satisfaction...

Take a listen to the song Dynamite...and try to get through the rest of this day...
for me it’s a perfect Friday night song! (But bare in mind that Jamiroquai is not for downloading or copying. Go and get your own from the shop:)


Nele said...

ma pean selle ikkagi daunlõudima, et kuulata... kuigi sa ei luba siin sellise kopeerimisega tegeleda... aga laul on hea ja jamiroquai on hea ja reede on hea.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love Jamiroquai - wicked wicked...!!! Kadri must know who's talking-:) Their concert was the best ever gig I've been to. Jay K actually does all the jumps and funky dancing!! It's not a TV magic, believe me! I was dreaming of Jay K two nights after the gig.

Hernes said...

Ooh, baby, i definitely know who's talking:)...and stop dreaming of Jay K:) But...the question YOU already have the new record??