Saturday, April 19, 2008

2 stupid txts later...

Alcohol is makes you send stupid txts to people you shouldn't be sending stupid txts to...on the other had, i had a very interesting evening last night. Saw many people i really wanted to see, danced with a swedishlooking Italian and got called the most enchanting woman, ever. That hasn't happened in a while:) And, for some unexplickable reason i walked home from the party, so there's was an unexpected 100 eek in my pocket, which was wisely spent today. PM dragged me out of my sickbed today - we went to see Orlan exhibition and to the movies to see old guys Nicholson and Freeman kick their bucket list.


Nele said...

don't drink and dial.. :) aga noh see on suht levinud haigus :):):):) ära muretse.

Hernes said...

Et lausa haigus, oh, kas selle vastu rohtu on?