“I can’t decide if I’m a music or a movie person,” N told me the other day. Not that you’d even have to choose, unless if you have to decide which of the 2 books – “1001 movies that you have to see” or “1001 albums you have to hear” – you want as a Christmas present. She finally chose to be a movie person.
Me, I’m definitely a music person. I enjoy a good movie once in a while and I can’t wait for the Black Nights’ Film Festival to start next week, but I must say sometimes a half a year can pass without going to the cinema. Music, on the other hand, has a tremendous effect on my life. Don’t ever try to take my music away from me. Sometimes a good song can tell you a whole story in just about 4 minutes. What is a movie compared to that:)
I love it how music comes to me from different sources. Sometimes it’s just a fragment i hear in a movie or series or even advertisement that catches my attention and makes me wanna look it up. Often my friends tell me if they’ve discovered something worth listening. Or, I hear a song at a party or in someone else’s playlist or blog etc. Very rarely I find new intriguing songs on radio or TV. By the time the songs I like make it to the charts, they’re usually old news for me. Not to mention that a lot of really excellent music never figures in the charts.
I think it’s amazing how songs can trigger emotions. There are songs, which always make me cry when I hear them, be it that they have so beautiful tune or the meaning of their lyrics. And then there are “good mood” songs, which (almost) never fail to lift my spirits. Like last week, when we were driving back from Riga, on a night bus. The bus was almost empty, it was dark and we were watching Sting’s “Inside Sacred Love” DVD. The emotions I got from it were really, really powerful, so I literally both laughed and cried. And yet, each time it surprises me, when it happens. Like when I’m at a concert and suddenly realize the effect the music is having on me.
Anyway, I was trying to get to some point with this story but I have a feeling I’m not reaching it:) Except that I am, for sure, a music person. If I think of the point later, I’ll come back and edit this post.
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ma kirjutasin juba siis raadiotest edetabeleid vihikusse üles kui olin 10. kümned ja kümned vihikud täis edetabeleid ja illustreerivaid pilte bändidest on kuskil kellegi pööningul... ja ma olen nõus kõigega, mis sa laulude kohta ütled, aga kui ma pean valima, siis filmid on mulle kuidagi tähtsamad. ma panen kindlasti mitmeid kordi rohkem dvd mängijasse filmi kui cd mängijasse plaadi. filmid on kuidagi suuremad, võimsamad ja aitavad paremini pärismaailmast põgeneda ja asju teistmoodi näha. ehk mulle on muusika ja filmid mõlemad tähtsad, ent erinevaks tarbeks ning kui valima peab, siis FILM. ja mul läks ka point meelest. ausalt :) ma praegu rohkem endale siin tõestasin ja kinnitasin, et jah MOVIE person :)
Mina ka muuvi mees ... arvan, et kuna olen pigem visuaalne kui auditiivne inimene. Ja hästi tehtud film tekitab minus rohkem emotsioone kui misiganes laul. Aga kui te peaksite valima ... Kadri sina ühe CD ja nele ühe filmi üksikule saarele, mis see oleks?
Issand kui raske kysimus. Ma pean nyyd motlema
I've posted before about how amazing it is to me that someone else's music can have such an affect on me, can exactly mirror my feelings or experiences.
Good post, music person. :)
oi äda, ma mõtlen, ja postin siia selle ühe ainukese filmi üksikule saarele hiljem! ;)
To answer the question of which CD i would take with me on a deserted island....
i think for me i'd have to compile it myself. i have a pretty good understanding already which songs would not start bugging me too soon. And it'd have to have some really preppy "dance like no one's watching" type of songs as well as "cry your heart out" type of songs (for god's sake, it is a deserted island, it's rather depressing, innit).
okei, mul oli ka alguses sama probleem, et mis zhanr üldse? kas komöödia, et oleks lõbus ja masendusse ei langeks? kas mingi süvafilosoofilne elutõdesid täis teos, et mõtteid jätkuks ja aju ei uinuks? selge on see, et romantiline komöödia ja põnevik - need aeguvad kohe ära. ja vaata, filmidest ei saa compilation tape ju teha :) aga üldsiselt on vist ikka nii, et see mis esimesena pähe tuleb, on õige tunne. seega - Fear and loathing in Las Vegas. Elagu Johnny Depp ja Benicio Del Toro - see film on lihtsalt ülim. Klassika. See on nii naljakas ja nii sürr, et ka kaheksandal korral leiab sealt veel varem avastamata kilde. Igal juhul on see film, mida ma juba hetkel olen oma DVD mängijasse sisestanud kõige rohkem kordi. Kui oma vastust muuta soovin, annan teada :)Kes pole näinud, see vaadaku, aga nõrganärvilisele ei soovita.
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