Friday, May 12, 2006


I still can’t believe it….yesterday i saw Buena Vista Social Club…performing live…here in Estonia. As some of the original members are not with us any more, they call themselves Buena Vista Masters (at least I think that’s the reason). They’ve got some younger blood, too, but some of the oldies are still alive and kicking and did not roll on stage in wheelchairs, with droppers and respirators, as my date suggested before the concert:)

Those guys are really amazing. Take, for instance, Orlando, playing the contrabass. He’s the only one who has played on every track on every album of BVSC, he’s 73, he had to be helped on and off the stage…but boy, can he play the bass…and he keeps touring, respect! Or, take Manuel, he must also be sth close to 70 and still he’s a ladies’ man. While on stage, he put an eye on a lady dancing at the side of the stage. He kept waving and smiling at her, while playing his guitar with great virtuosity. We saw him looking for the lady after the performance.

And the music… and the rhythm... and moves they have inside of them, dying to get out. Made me really feel like chilling on a beach, sipping a mojito and dancing to salsa rhythms. Gotta plan a trip to Cuba before the old Fidel dies.

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