Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Insomniac? Not me!

I cannot believe it, i OVERSLEPT today. Forgot to set the alarm. Woke up at 9 to a phone call, which i didn't answer. I just stared at the phone thinking why's my colleague calling me in the middle of the night.
This hasn't happened since....i don't know, almost forever. And i can't say the dreams to keep dreaming were pleasant ones. Best to wake from them.

Note to all insomniacs out there, an hour long hot bath does wonders to your sleep. At least it worked for me, though insomnia has never been a problem for me but well, you get my drift.

After i got up i only brushed my teeth and rushed to work (oh yeah, got dressed as well). Now i look and feel like a zombie. Save me!


Nele said...

ma olen unetu. harva kui ma enne kella 3 magama jään. mind ei aita ka see, kui ma otse vannis prooviks magama jääda. muid ideid?

Joona said...

:) :D

Hernes said...

Nele, hmm, ma arvan, et sa ära seda vannis magamist proovigi. Sul on lihtsalt teine unetsükkel, accept it ja võta öötöö, hommikul magamisega ei ole sul absoluutselt mingit probleemi ju. Ma rääkisin sulle täna uuest kohast, mis Tlns avatakse. Maybe for u:)
Ja huvitav, et mind loeb economist. Ma just alustasin raamatut "Undercover Economist" ja juba on ta ka mu blogis:)

Joona said...

Jajah, undercover economist ;)