Friday, October 24, 2008

The good, the bad and the Ambassador

Whewwww....finally, Friday! And what a relieveing one it is.

Monsieur Hennessy Ambassador was in town for 3 days and i pretty much had to organize 3 events in about a week. There were some highlights and definitely some low points but it's over now and i survived. On a negative side, i've been so stressed that i've had to sleep with rubbing painkilling ointment on my back to be able to sleep and i've cried a little. On a positive side, the first event on Wednesday went a lot better than i feared. Since there are too many people to rain on my parade i'll have to praise myself and say it was actually a nice event and the ones who attended were pleased and many of them even thanked me sincerely.

Somehow, i have to grow a thicker skin and an ability to not take everything personally. If someone else effs up and that affects the overall outcome, i should be able to blame it on them, however, i take it all in and weep like a baby (in privacy of my own car or home, of course, no need to show my momentarily weakness to anyone else).

Well, whatever, since i said i'll take anything but disaster...i can say, i've succeded quite well. Next week will be nicer.


Nele said...

tubli olid. vähemalt kolmapäeval. seda ma nägin oma silmaga. aga teades sind, usun, et kõik muu oli ka tublisti tehtud sul!

Hernes said...

aitäh-aitäh:) muu osas, njah, läks nii ja naa, a suva, möödas vähemalt.