Sunday, December 30, 2007

A bit broken

There's more than one version of breakups and goodbyes and no one can put a number on any of them or judge which one is more painful... In many ways it's an end of an era and i'm not entirely sure what it all means and where it all leads.

Here i am, listening to Angie Jones "Wish I Didn't Miss You", Kansas "Dust in the Wind" and Johnny Cash "Hurt" (why this selection, i'm not sure, but it does the job) over and over again and crying it all out...

"Don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
It slips away, all your money won't another minute buy..."


Karupoeg Pohhui said...

Pai :(

Hernes said...

Täh! Juba on parem. Ja kohe on vana aasta, imelik, tunnet ei ole, nii nagu polnud ka jõulutunnet.

Evaaa said...

vau... täpselt sama...
head uut aastat

Anonymous said...

Minu soovitus playlisti on umbes järgmine:
Phoenix - If I Ever Feel Better
ja muidugi
Monty Python - Always look on the bright side of life

Kui tahad pleilisti panna siis anna märku, panen üles.