Monday, December 17, 2007

Mundane things

They changed the smell of my fabric softener. I bought the same brand, same colour of bottle...and wtf, the smell's different. I am not happy at all, i liked the previous one. And you know i'm a bit anal about it, as the smell of freshly washed clothes is the best in the world, so it has to be just right. Now i'm stuck with this one for a couple of months.

This morning i had another of my blonde moments. It's surprising how "strange" ideas i sometimes get, being the smart girl i am. Anyway, i seemed to have lost one of the metal thingies of the electrical adapter, you know, the 2 thingies plugged into a socket. Well, it was stuck in the socket under my office table. Tried getting it out with everything i had at hand, e.g. using 2 plastic paper clips, a wooden clothes peg etc, but the thingy was stuck and since it was so frustrating i thought i'd try with my a slight electro shock treatment:) And the little fcker is still stuck there and i cannot charge my mobile phone.


Nele said...

pliis ära endale nüüd liiga tee eks. las ta istub stepslis.

Hernes said...

oh, seda eelmist intsidenti makroflexi ja küünlaga ei taha ka meenutada. mis mul viga on:)?

Nele said...

pead abi otsima :):):):):) tead isegi.

Anonymous said...

Honey!!! Maybe you can try with a magnet... I mean, taking it by the plastic/wooden side or with plastic gloves... ;))

Hernes said...

Wow, good thinking honey, but it has to be one hell of a strong magnet:)