Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Leslie Da Bass - Around

Time to promote some Estonian music. This is a perfect song for looking back at year 2008 and thinking of New Year's resolutions. Chill out!
Happy old! Soon it's time to let the new one in with different songs!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

More words of wisdom

Alcohol is bad! Remember, kids, do not drink alcohol....oh my head....

Monday, December 22, 2008

There never is

Wake up in the morning, stumble on my life
Can't get no love without sacrifice
If anything should happen, I guess I wish you well
A little bit of heaven, but a little bit of hell

This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together.

Mika "Happy Ending"

Friday, December 19, 2008

Holiday season

Guess, which ones are my creation:)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Insomniac? Not me!

I cannot believe it, i OVERSLEPT today. Forgot to set the alarm. Woke up at 9 to a phone call, which i didn't answer. I just stared at the phone thinking why's my colleague calling me in the middle of the night.
This hasn't happened since....i don't know, almost forever. And i can't say the dreams to keep dreaming were pleasant ones. Best to wake from them.

Note to all insomniacs out there, an hour long hot bath does wonders to your sleep. At least it worked for me, though insomnia has never been a problem for me but well, you get my drift.

After i got up i only brushed my teeth and rushed to work (oh yeah, got dressed as well). Now i look and feel like a zombie. Save me!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Words of wisdom

Whoever said cleaning is therapeutic....lied!
Whoever said dancing salsa is therapeutic....was probably on to sth.

Friday, December 12, 2008

VV Brown - Crying Blood

Here's a little song to get the Friday going.
Forget about Amy Winehouse, Duffy and Katy Perry... I give you VV Brown. She's bringing swing back to popmusic!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

How i almost got in trouble

Omg, i have to tell this story...

I came home the other night, parked the car, got my bags and my computer and was ready to enter the house when i suddenly saw a man on all fours on the other side of street. He was obviously too drunk to get up on his own, though he was trying hard. It was really funny and pathetic at the same time. He was so helpless:) I weighed my options and considered my size and his size (too big and too drunk to be helped by me) but i knew i couldn't just leave him there, i'd have thought about it the whole night. I crossed the road and asked if the good man needed some help, hoping at the same time that me stopping to help will attract more help. So i kind of sort of helped him and he got up and i tried to point him to whichever way he was going.

Suddenly, a woman appeared, also tipsy if not drunk, a real dog. She sized me up and said (in Russian), all sarcastic, to the man: "Izvinite, ja ne znala shto võ sdes vstretites." (sth like: Excuse me! I didn't know you have a date here.) Well, excuse ME! I was only trying to help the man but she still gave me the evil eye. For christ's sake, she must really have very high opinion of that guy if she thought he was meeting me:) I took off as fast as i could leaving them to sort it out. At least between the two of them they probably had more chances of arriving home safely.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Abiks ikka!

Leidsin sellise kirja ühe tuttava blogist ja leidsin, et pean selle ka siia panema, sest minu kleidikestest ei ole kellelegi abi:(

1. Detsembril toimus taas üks kodutute inimeste saunapäev. Koostöös Tallinna Sotsiaalameti ja paljude teistega saavad kodutud kogu detsembri vältel päevas korra suppi ning tegevusi on veel.

Oleviste kogudus on plaaniks võtnud veel korraldada 22.12 saunapäeva, samuti on meil 26.12 kodutute Jõulupuu ning korra nädalas neljapäeviti käivad kodutud Olevistes söömas suppi, arutelemas elu üle.

ME VAJAME TEIE ABI! Meil ei ole anda inimestele RIIDEID ja JALANÕUSID.

Kas saaksite vaadata oma kapist meeste (ja natuke ka naiste) asju, mida enam ei kasuta:

- Pesu, sokid, T-särgid

- Mütsid, sallid

- JOPED!!! (millega saab talvel tänaval elada)

- Püksid


Äkki saate oma firmades, seda infot saata kolleegidele ja koguda asju ja tuua Olevistesse.
PALUN, ÄRGE TOOGE teisi asju, meil pole ladustada suveriideid, jne.
Meil on vajadus aidata inimesi tänaval nüüd ja kohe.

Jumala õnnistusi soovides,
Oleviste meeskond

Monday, December 08, 2008

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


I think i just found a great venue for party. Not sure which party yet. And in the process i might have also found the artist for a project next year.