Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Perfectly lazy Sunday

Oh, the bliss of lazy Sundays, spent in the company of friends, chilling, laughing and eating. The last Sunday was one of them. My little flat was almost covered by my dear friends as most of them were sitting/half-lying on all possible surfaces from floor to couch. We started the brunch at 1 and ended at 7, in the 6-hour time slot, we ate all i had prepared, plus all the leftovers i had in the fridge, we laughed like crazy and watched some mindless TV programs. A fair share of sarcasm was flying around, as always, and we decided that the only bad thing about those brunches is that there’s too few of them. Point taken!


Nele said...

kui mu kodu kunagi valmis saab, siis võin brunchide tihendamise asjus ka mina kõiki külla kutsuda. kuigi tuleb tunnistada, praegune "külalise amet" sobib mulle ka suurepäraselt. 6 tunni jooksul tõusin diivanilt vaid üks kord ja teed, võileivad, muud söögid saabusid mu kätte võluväel (loe: kadri tõi) :):)

Hernes said...

jah, mulle meeldib, et mu sõbrad tunnevad mind niipalju, et ei häbene ka küsida:) ei, tegelt ka, mingit võltshäbi pole ju tarvis. Igatahes, ma olen avastanud, et minus on ka väga tugevalt olemas see külg, mis on mu emas, kes toimetab ja sahmerdab ja kannab ette ja noh, midaiganes külalistele:) eh, tulge jälle:)!