Monday, March 31, 2008

I'm a lecturer now

You know how people tend to make all kinds of lists. Like for instance: Things to do before i turn 30 or 40 or 50. Or things to do before i die. Well, i took a test of my predicted life expectancy and it turns out i'll live to be 89 years old. I always thought i won't make it past 88 but who knows:) So, as there's still a long way to go i decided i'll make a different kind of list, something like: Thing's i've already done before i turn 30, 40 ...or dead. That means, i should start noting down the "big things", that make it to the list, like for instance ...

...Give a lecture on media to 15 various marketing people. Check.

...Did this one today. In the morning i checked myself from the mirror and though if there's any way they'd take me seriously. But they listened and asked lots of questions, so i take it, it was interesting enough. I wasn't even nervous, which was strange.


Nele said...

palju õnne. tegin seda sama eelmine aasta ja no minu kõhu võttis ikka õõnsaks küll. oled siis vist tugevama närviga? igatahes - well done. ma olen kindel, et sa hoidsid telemeedia lippu kõrgel. ;)

Hernes said...

oh, jah, ma ei tea, äkki see ikk amõjus mu energiavarudele, et ma sedamoodi õnnetult haigeks jäin:( Kle, aga selle eest peak vist pappi ka saama, eks?

Nele said...

midagi sai jah. taskuraha. küsi järgi. ;)

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